Refining or processing quartz glass is a necessary intermediate step on the way to the finished end product. In order to be able to focus on their core competencies, we have been supporting our customers for more than 20 years with so-called fabricated components. Professional quartz glass processing results in high-quality semi-finished products or finished products.
Thanks to its many years of experience in dealing with quartz glass, Raesch Quarz has specialized in the further processing of its own products.
In the production of fabricated components, we produce individual quartz glass products depending on the desired vertical range of manufacture. These post-processing steps include, but are not limited to, silica glass cutting, quartz glass cleaning, forming, and applying quartz glass coatings.
In addition, standard sections for quartz glass apparatus can be prepared and components prepared for complex quartz glass reactors or quartz glass coolers.
After completion, our high-quality fabricated components are used, among other things, as process tubes in the wafer industry, as protective tubes in UV systems or as container material for special equipment and analysis reactors. The use as a lamp bulb for lighting purposes is also possible.

Phone: +356 21 419 615
Application examples:
- General lightning
- UV-Disinfection lamps
- UV-Tanning lamps
- Special lighting sources
- Process tubes for wafer coatings
- Quartz glass apparatus for lab and medical technology
- Special apparatus of quartz glass
- Gas feed pipes
- Stage lighting
- Solaria lamps
- Cinema projectors
- Lamp bulbs
- Reprographic lamps
- Sun simulation lamps