Cutting of quartz tubes and rods
Due to the optical and thermal properties of Quartz glass tubes, these can be used for various applications in the UV Disinfection and curing industry, Lighting industry, Semi conductor industry and the Metal casting and automotive industry.
Here at Raesch Quarz (Malta) Limited we can provide our customers with quartz glass tubes of a wide range of outside diameters and flexible wall thicknesses and lengths. Since we only source quartz tubes made from high-purity quartz sand, these quartz glass tubes can have a broad portfolio of different quartz glass qualities as well.
With state of the art cutting machines, we offer our customers various cutting technologies, including wet cutting, dry cutting, snap cutting and laser cutting. For example, we shorten quartz sleeves to the desired length before delivery.
We also offer hole (or any other shape) drilling services whereby we drill holes in quartz tubes in the position and size as requested by our customers.
In case of increased quality requirements, the quartz tubes can be further processed by a special cleaning method or by our vacuum annealing process. This unique vacuum annealing process allows an extremely low residual OH content of <1 ppm, which can significantly improve the transmission properties in the UV range.
All of these extra steps (and the additional possibility of quartz glass calibration) make us the chosen supplier for well-known lamp manufacturers, as well as for customers of semiconductor manufacturing, the solar industry and UV curing and disinfection industry worldwide.
Application examples:
- Process tubes for semiconductor and solar industry
- Ampoule tubes
- Chemical applications
- Lamp bodies for gas discharge lamps
- Lamp bodies for special lamps
- Sleeves for air and water treatment
- Quartz glass reactors for aggressive acids and water

Phone: +356 21 419 615